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Showing posts from 2020

Making of 'Lack Of Luck'

Game creation journey of  lack of luck. On 26 March 2020 I published my game Lack Of Luck on  it was a submission for Weekly Game Jam-week 141 which is a game creation event in which game devs from all over the world have to create a game in specific time constraints along with the specific theme. This week the theme was 'Good Luck'.And the time limit was of 6 days. When i saw the theme I thought of making a table top game in which the decision is made randomly and if you are lucky enough then you will win. But this idea was very common and I many of the people will make the same kind of thing. So again I was back to were I started  later I thought of several ideas but most of them were not much interesting and others were very time consuming and could not  be completed in time. So the first day was wasted I gone to sleep with zero progress. On next day I was filled with ideas and then I decide to make a platformer in which our we are playing as a